Chinese fried rice has to be one of the best Asian meals. It has every feature you look for in a dish: it’s simple to create, flavorful, and made with readily available ingredients. The best part is that it can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and supper.
When you visit an Asian country, you may enjoy a variety of Chinese fried rice. Yong Chow fried rice, Tom Yum fried rice, and clay pot chicken rice are all famous in Malaysia. AsianMeals has its own take on these recipes, complete with delectable sauces.
Your List Should Include These 5 Yummy Chinese Fried Rice Recipes
Here’s a list of some of the tastiest Chinese fried rice dishes.
1. Chicken Fried Rice
This well-known and very appreciated dish was created from leftover vegetables.
It’s appealing to look at, delicious to eat, and high in nutrients. Add all ingredients to make a vegetarian Chinese fried rice version in a large mixing bowl.
2. Shrimp Fried Rice
This shrimp-fried rice is best made with one-day-old rice. Spread it out in a single layer on a baking sheet/paper to cook and cool completely. Then refrigerate it overnight to enable any excess moisture to evaporate.
3. Fried Rice And Sweet Soy Sauce
This Chinese Fried Rice with Sweet Soy Sauce will offer you a whole new perspective on these Mexican-topping favorites, lime, and cilantro.
4. Yong Chow Fried Rice
Yong Chow Fried Rice is a famous Chinese-style wok-fried rice dish served in many Chinese restaurants worldwide. It is generally known as special fried rice in the United Kingdom and house-special fried rice in the United States.
5. Tom Yum Fried Rice
Anything flavored with Tom Yum is one of the most delicate flavor combos available. The ingenious blend of sweet, salty, sour, and spicy flavors makes every mouthful so wonderful.
Cook The Best Chinese Fried Rice With AsianMeals
AsianMeals provides a large selection of sauces and ready-made pastes that can be used to produce delicious clay pot chicken rice and Chinese fried rice. Don’t forget to try and share the wonderful recipes listed below with your friends and family. Order your AsianMeals sauces & pastes now.
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And if you want to buy our unique sauces and readymade paste, you can buy them on Shopee-